Dear friends,
As fans of Swiss-style, the modernism, visual poetry and the Russian avant-garde, we have always tried to use certain stylistic devices and principles of design for this project. To us it has always been a challenge to find out what a letter case could be today with respect to designing a homepage. Today the scope of design shouldn`t be seen as restricted in any way. Design, however doesn`t become easier or more convincing. At times of a quick flick-through and zapping, of sampling, copy and paste we regard it as challenging as well as necessary to concentrate on reduction, that is returning to basics. Following this principle, we have made this letter case consisting of the font Arial and the colours red, black and white. Furthermore this model design should give room to a free play of total space, free space and abundance. These elements alone should enable you to design a consistent and clear homepage. The choice of form, colour and characters as well as the register will help you to to use the above mentioned examples which are not meant to be copied or to be used as a strict guideline. The slogans mentioned in 13 follow slogans used in advertising, they will be replaced when updated in order to get ideas across, agitate, satirize or confuse. The interview with Mrs. Jelitzki should intensivy the appreciation of the Russian avant-garde and – at the same time – make the visitor of this homepage more aquainted with some of the terms of high importance within this context. |